Which Swinger site is best for us? - Mr & Mrs DV8

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We've reviewed our favorite swinger sites to show you the places to meet and get connected to swingers anywhere on the planet!

Our likes, dislikes, accessibility as well as the ease of use and costs vs free trials.

We find many of these sites are demographically challenged, as some may be wildly popular in your area others may not. We highly recommend signing up for free trials
to get a sense of the number of members in your part of the country. It's also great way to see what's happening in your area by way of meet & greets parties and events. 

We also review the social aspects and accessibility of each site. 
Individual pricing varies for each site so we'll refrain from posting the actual price as they may change. We will however, discuss the value of what you pay for vs. what you get for free. 
Deviate Dare Swingers Edition Erotic Games for the lifestyle

Read our reviews of the top 5 Swingers Websites at The Deviate Network

Authors: Mr & Mrs DV8

